PINKY SHOW & the internet

Added on by Drittens Cat.

Posted by Pinky.

Winter in the desert is my favorite. No matter where in the world I am, as autumn draws to a close I point myself towards Death Valley and start walking. Ever since Bunny and I decided to start the Pinky Show, our little gang has always spent the time around “New Year” together in the desert. I like the cold. Every winter, we try to slow things down, we cook for each other, reflect on the past year, and also dream together about the future.

After Bunny died, for a long time I didn’t want to do any computer stuff. I just wanted time to walk and think, so that’s what I gave myself. That quiet time was clarifying and really important for me, but from time to time I did find myself missing the daily grind of working on the Pinky Show. And of course I really REALLY missed just being around Kim, Mimi, and Drittens. After Mimi passed I started coming home more often. This lead to me and Drittens slowly starting to work on Pinky Show stuff again, although both of us kind of noticed at the same time that we were enjoying face-to-face, in-person interaction much more than the digital-heavy, internet-based project we had been doing from 2005 onward. This is why the past few years Drittens and I have been very content to do all of our teaching and project-work offline.

But, things have a funny way of coming around full circle. In 2005 we started the Pinky Show partly because we wanted to create exactly the kind of educational materials that we wanted to use ourselves in our teaching. Well, now it’s 2021 and the world has changed so much, and we want and need new, different materials to use with our students. We’ve been able to recycle the hell out of our old materials, but even though the fundamental nature of all of the big problems haven’t changed, culture has changed, technology & the internet has changed, and the way people think, feel, and act in the world are always changing too.

So, for these reasons and a few more, Drittens and I have decided that now is a good time to start making new Pinky Show materials again. And if we make them, we’ll make them available on this website for everyone else to use too.

Kim says she will help out, but her #1 priority will still be flying kites. I respect that.

2022 is not 2005, and everything is different now. Bunny’s gone, Mimi’s gone, I’m different, Kim’s different, and now the Pinky Show has Drittens, my favorite cat thinker in the whole world. So we don’t know exactly what the next version of the Pinky Show will be yet, but we already know that we’re not going to try to make it exactly like what it was before. We will just try our best to create what we need, based on our shared analysis of the moment. Which is what we were doing before.



Posted by Drittens: I think part of me is already starting to freak out.